(Algiers (Algeria) 1886-Paris (France) 1953)

Born into a Jewish family from Lorraine that settled in Algeria since the beginning of French colonization, Mantout is a student of the architect Henri Petit (Paris (France) 1856-Paris (France) 1926). Architect of the French Protectorate in Morocco from 1912 to 1922 and architect of the Society of Habous and Islamic Holy Places, he is responsible for the design and execution, in collaboration with Robert Fournez, of the Muslim Institute and the mosque of Paris (1922-1926); then, in collaboration with Léon Azéma, of the Franco-Muslim hospital in Bobigny (1931-1935).
Winner of the Prix Lheureux of the city of Paris (1925) and the Bailly prize from the Academy of Fine Arts, Mantout is a knight of the Legion of Honor, officer of the Ouissiam Allaouite, and commander of the Nicham Iftikar.

  • Hospital Avicenne

    Bobigny, France Read more